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Monday, February 14, 2011

Expert Lecture on “Efficient Handling of Resources”

BFGI is continuously organising several expert lectures, seminars and conferences to impart knowledge to students regarding latest techniques and happenings in the technical world. To continue this tradition, Baba Farid College of Engineering &Technology organised an expert lecture on the topic “Efficient Handling of Resources” by the renowned researcher Dr. Manish Kumar, Associate Professor, Punjab University Regional Center, Muktsar. His main research filed is Optical Character Recognition. He was welcomed by Er. SukhpreetKaur, Head, Department of Computer Science & Engineering. The expert lecture was organised for the students of Department of CSE & IT. He talked about the limited resources available in computers & how to use them efficiently to prevent the occurrence of deadlocks in a system.
Students found the lecture very informative and were glad to hear such eminent personality. In the end, Dr. Manish Kumar was thanked by Ms. Gurveen Kaur, Head, Department of Information Technology, for taking time out from his busy schedule to visit the college. Dr. Jasbir S. Hundal, Director- Principal, BFCET appreciated the efforts done by Departments of CSE & IT to hold expert lecture & to make students more aware and informative. Mr. Gurmeet S. Dhaliwal, M.D, BFGI, expressed his satisfaction on the conduct of expert lecture and further added that students should take maximum benefit of these activities to raise their knowledge level. He ensured that these types of activities will continue to happen in future also.

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